Learn to Row with TopRow Haarlem!

Rowing for everyone! Are you joining us?

Open House Event

Come and join us!

A few times a year we are organizing an open house event. In the afternoon under the guidance of one of our instructors you can make your first rowing strokes. Everyone age 18-80 year is welcome. Keep an eye on the website for the next open house event! 

About TopRow Haarlem

TopRow Haarlem offers a wide variety of rowing courses. Rowing is an outdoor sport and at TopRow you can sign up for rowing courses all year round. Our professional team of qualified coaches will accompany you during all classes, activities and clinics. Improving your rowing technique and physical fitness has our main priority. All the whilst you enjoy the waters of Haarlem.

Rowing courses 2025

Winter (start 13 January)
Spring 1 (start 17 March)
Spring 2 (start 12 May)
Summer (start 7 July)
Fall 1 (start 1 September)
Fall 2 (start 27 October)


TopRow Haarlem’s main goal is to make rowing accessible to everyone. Never rowed before? No problem! Rowing is a healthy sport you can do whole year round.

Open day

Rowing on the river het Spaarne! Join us during our free open house event. Everyone is welcome to try out rowing. Under the guidance of our Team you will get an introduction lesson of 30 minutes. Are you joining us?

Our next open house will be on Saturday 4th of January.

Private lessons

If you are looking for a more one-to-one lesson to improve your technique, or would like to do a program on your own schedule, book a private lesson. Our instructors will work with you on a tailor-made program.


TopRow Haarlem
Noord Schalkwijkerweg 101
2034 JA Haarlem
